What we offer and how we work with you

Welcome to the glenhagen farm retreat! We invite you to explore our 65 acres of woods, prairie, and creek. We provide a wide range of educational and worship opportunities related to the arts, religion, ecosystems, astronomy and sustainable agriculture. If you wish, you can bring your own curriculum and programs. Groups attending the camp will be provided with a menu of educational topics to choose from and explore. Educational materials and tools will be provided for groups to use themselves, or groups can request more structured curriculum which will primarily be provided by our Executive Director.  We are proud to be the 21st partner chosen by the Field Museum to teach their Mighty Acorns curriculum (www.mightyacorns.org).  Campers should be age 12 and older, unless part of a family camp.

We provide  tents which will accommodate up to a total of 40 campers.   No prior experience in camping is required. The camp includes a pavilion with washrooms with showers, cooking facilities and learning space. More information about the tents and pavilion is on the facilities page.

In order to come to the glenhagen farm retreat, you must be a school, college, church, synagogue, temple, mosque or other house of worship or a not for profit corporation which will enter into a user agreement with us (see the registration page for more information). We do not accept individuals or families who are not part of one of the groups listed in the preceding sentence. Our Camp Director will meet you upon arrival and provide orientation to your group about the grounds and the facilities. Through the registration process you’ll indicate whether you’d like our Camp Director to provide some or all of the educational program for your group.

Your organization is exclusively responsible for supervising all of the members of your group at all times and is responsible for their safety.  If you are bringing children,  you will be responsible for bringing a specified number of adults and you will commit to supervise the children at all times. We take no responsibility for the supervision of the members of your group.

You can either bring your own food or contract with a local caterer to provide you food.  Food cost is not included in the basic fee to use the camp. Our staff does not prepare food.

Examples of Groups Which Might Wish to Use the Camp

  • Kids from an urban area who are classmates in school and who have never been outside of their urban areas, experiencing the open spaces and the night sky full of stars for the first time.
  • A group of teenagers from two or more faith communities – a mixture of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and/or  Buddhist backgrounds, all there to learn about each other’s lives and the stewardship of God’s creation simultaneously.
  • A group of girls or boys from a church youth group or Sunday School class will bring back ideas about sustainable living to their church and families while developing their faith and deepening their friendships.
  • A language camp where Spanish (or any other language) is spoken during free time while the basic elements of our curriculum are presented in English (if desired).
  • A grief camp where all the campers have experienced losses. Campers will have age appropriate activities to work through their grief along with the typical learning about how to care for the earth opportunities.
  • A spiritual retreat for any age group who desires the experience of tent camping in a controlled environment – sleeping in tents, but a pavilion with running water and shelter available close by.
  • A group with a specific environmental or farming interest that can bring back ideas about how to impact their communities.
  • High school students who are hosting foreign exchange students or visitors from other countries. Topics relevant to international studies mix with our earth – friendly theme.
  • A science class dedicated to 1) studying wildlife including the wide variety of birds in the area 2) learning about astronomy at night and clouds during the day 3) doing a unit on all possibilities for growing crops including traditional and organic farming 4) studying plants, trees, wildflowers and insects.
25821 County Rd 2300 N
Princeton, Il 61356